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Nick's Sticks - KIL's 30th Anniversary Select Rattan Sticks

  • $ 3000

***30th Anniversary - Limited Edition Sticks***


Long before he became a Dog Brother, and long before he achieved the rank of Tuhon, a young Texas stick fighter named Nick Papadakis was searching for rattan sticks that wouldn't explode on contact.  Back in the 80s, the rattan selection in the United States was appalling.  The only sticks available were light, thin, brittle, and easily destructible. 

Nick made it a mission to create a better stick for himself.  From researching ancient Filipino stick-making techniques passed down the generations by storytelling, to studying modern scientific procedures, Nick found several methods that could potentially help him achieve his goal.  After many years of trial and error, experimenting with countless combinations of heat treatments, straightening systems, and fortifying oil baths, Nick found the amalgamation of techniques that made the perfect rattan fighting stick. 

Nick's Sticks effortlessly destroyed the weaker rattan of his training partners and his students.  This lead to many requests for a pair of these new premium rattan sticks; making it clear that American fighters demanded higher quality fight gear.  In 1995, when the internet was becoming a viable channel for business and communication, Nick started Kombat Instruments Limited as a way to provide his sticks to fighters in the United States.


30 years later, Kombat Instruments Limited continues to provide premium rattan sticks to fighters across the globe.  This year, as he reflects on KIL's humble beginnings, our founder Nick Papadakis will be going through our stock of raw rattan and selecting sticks that remind him of his ambitious journey.  All of these 30th Anniversary Sticks will be straightened, treated, and finished by Nick himself, then branded with a KIL logo, tinted blood red.  ***Limited Edition for 2025***


Since Nick fights with a variety of stick dimensions, each of Nick's Sticks will be different lengths and diameters.  See each length, diameter, and weight in the dropdown menu.  Scan over each photo to find the Nick's Stick that is perfect for you. 

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