Rattan Cane
The KIL Stick Bag
The Imperial Bag
Kombat Sarong
Visayan Leopard Sticks
Character Sticks - KIL Rattan Single Sticks
One Node Wonders - KIL Rattan (Pairs and Single Sticks)
Indonesian Combat Sarungs
The Big Bag
Guava Single Sticks - Rugged Finish
The KIL Guitar Bag
Nick's Sticks - KIL's 30th Anniversary Select Rattan Sticks
Kali Means To Scrape - KIL Documentary
KIL Rattan Thick Sticks (Single Sticks)
Guava Staffs - Rugged Finish
Kabaroan Escrima
Babao Arnis Documentary
Molamu Sticks - Lesotho, Africa
The Dodgers Dinger - KIL Guava - Satin Finish
The Braun Baton - KIL Guava - Satin Finish